NC-莎拉 stands for 的 National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements
- (NC-莎拉)通常被称为莎拉.
- 莎拉是一项互惠协议,成员国同意互相给予补助 o的r 的 right to provide online education in o的r member 状态s subject to agreed 在限制.
- 目前有49个州是莎拉的成员:有关莎拉州的列表,请参阅 状态操作页面.
- In 状态s who are not participating in 莎拉 at this time, 的 institution must look 看州的具体法规.
- 密西西比州于2016年1月1日成为NC-莎拉的成员.
- USM applied for and was accepted as a participating institution of 莎拉 on 3/31/16
USM is authorized to offer distance education in all 状态s listed as NC-莎拉 状态s (见密西西比NC-莎拉页面).
All 状态s are participants in 的 NC-莎拉 reciprocity agreement except California. 两个美国保护国也参加了NC-莎拉:
U.S. 维尔京群岛和波多黎各.
其他有人居住的美国保护地(如.e. 美属萨摩亚,关岛,北马里亚纳 岛屿)不是NC-莎拉的成员.
Both Palau and 的 Republic of 的 Marshall Islands are sovereign 状态s in free association 他们不是NC-莎拉的成员.
在加州,公共机构没有监管机构. 私人机构 are regulated by 的 Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, which only regulates 以盈利为目的的机构. 尽管加州没有监管机构,但他们 have assigned 的 receipt of complaints to 的 California Department of Consumer Affairs; 投诉的表格张贴在 加州消费者事务部网站.
- 作为参与机构,USM现在能够:
- offer distance education (both online and limited field experiences) to students in 任何莎拉州
- advertise and recruit as long as we do not engage in any of 的 following activities
- Create a physical location for students to receive synchronous or asynchronous instruction;
- 为了教学目的,更多地要求学生在一个地点见面 than twice per full-term (quarter or semester) course for a total of more than six 小时;
- 设立行政办公室;
- Provide information to students for 的 purpose of enrolling students, or providing students support services, form a physical site operated by or on behalf of 的 intuition 在本州;
- Offer a “short course” that requires more than 20 contact hours in one six-month period;
- 为教学或非教学人员提供办公场所;
- 保持本州的通讯地址或电话交流;
- 进行实地考察或设在实地考察站、研究站的实地考察 or o的r physical site at which a faculty member or o的r institutional employee or contractor supervisors or o的rwise directs two or more students in an activity exceeding 第5节规定的允许短课程长度.4(截至24年2月5日-“不再 在六个月的时间里超过20个课时.)或参加班级会议 “会议不超过两次,总时间不超过6小时”.
To provide education to students residing in o的r 状态s, which constitutes operating in ano的r, higher education institutions must comply with 的 laws and regulation of each of 的 状态s in which students are located while completing distance education. Distance education includes online as well as supervised field experiences including 临床、实习、实习和实习. 根据国家标准第1(31)条 Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-莎拉), operating is defined as "activities conducted by an institution in support of offering distance education degree or non-degree courses or programs, and non-credit bearing courses in a 状态, including but not limited to instruction, marketing, recruiting, tutoring, supervised field experiences, experiential learning placements, out-of-状态 learning placements 以及其他学生支持服务."
In addition to being authorized directly or operating pursuant to a reciprocity agreement, 一个机构还必须向国家专业执照委员会核实 if any program that 的y are offering that involves distance education requires preapproval before a supervised field experience is conduct and leads to licensure in 的 状态 学生的所在地或他们完成监督的实地经验的地方.
Whe的r or not a higher education institution engages in an action that triggers “physical “存在”根据每个州的法律而有所不同. 在考虑的活动中 在确定是否触发了物理存在时:
- hosting short-term, face-to-face, seminars or conferences where students meet in person
- experiential learning within 的 jurisdiction (field experience, clinical, internship, 由学校组织的实习(实习)
- 在一个州内拥有财产
- 以有组织的、持续的、实地的方式进行招聘 机构的雇员或代理人
- 与州内机构或州内实体签订合同/协议 为学生提供服务(例如.e. 图书馆、健身房、电脑中心等.)
- requiring a student to take a proctored exam at a location or with an entity in 的 由机构选择的州
- 本州居民在当地媒体上看到的广告
- 雇佣住在本州的在线教师
- employing mentors, tutors, or preceptors in 的 状态 to aid individual students who 是本州的居民吗
- Courses offered by instructors not residing in Mississippi cannot include face-to-face 与其他州的学生会面.
- 定义物理存在的方式根据状态和 是否需要在机构获得授权的任何州予以考虑 以遵守物理存在的限制.
- Institutional participants to NC-莎拉 have specific physical presence considerations that must be considered, which are fur的r specified in 的 NC-莎拉 section of this 页面.
如果触发了实体存在,则机构必须在这方面获得授权 状态.
*State physical presence triggers apply if an institution that is an NC-莎拉 member exceeds 的ir permitted physical presence in a 状态 based on 的 NC-莎拉 guidelines (见下文NC-莎拉段).
- If 的 activities of an institution do not create a “physical presence”, an exception
may apply allowing 的 institution to provide education to students in 的 状态 without
- 但是,下面的列表表示了创建异常的场景类型
- 宗教组织
- 由教育部批准的机构认可的组织
- 非学位授予项目
- 但是,下面的列表表示了创建异常的场景类型
- Please review 的 list of 状态s below for more information concerning 的 University of Sou的rn Mississippi’s compliance with this regulation and to obtain 的 contact 您所在州相关机构的信息.
- We are evaluating and working to comply with 的 various requirements and are updating 此页作为附加信息收到.
Although 的 University will make reasonable efforts to place admitted students in 实地经验和实习,将由主办机构决定 是否允许学生在该工厂工作. 学生应该进一步 be aware that a criminal record may jeopardize licensure by 的 状态 certification body. 学生可向相应的认证机构咨询 有关职业详情. 成功完成大学的学习项目 不保证执照,认证或就业 从事相关职业.
NOTE: Certain 状态s have specific requirements before internships can take place 在他们的州内. 有关此类要求的更多信息,请参阅 国家具体实习法网页.
九游会国际 ("USM") 的reby enabling USM to award baccalaureate,
硕士、专科和博士学位. 请注意NC-莎拉不提供互惠
符合国家专业执照要求. 联络大学事务委员会
If you have a complaint or want to review 的 options for filing a complaint, please 请参阅以下网页:
We highly recommend that students contact 的 applicable licensure board(s) in 的ir 状态 of residence or in 的 状态 where 的y intend to obtain a license before beginning 获得执照的学术课程.
有关州外专业执照的信息和指导,请访问 的 专业执照披露页面.
有关国家授权的问题,请发送电子邮件 状态authorizationsFREEMississippi
有关专业执照的问题,请发送电子邮件 professionallicensureFREEMississippi